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Sculpted Inside

Finding Hope in the Middle of Transforming your Body.


Your health journey is a process.

"I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!"  Philippians 1:6  TPT


God uses all kinds of things to bring us to maturity in Him including the process of getting healthy. As we walk through life we are continually being refined by everyday encounters.  We have a choice to welcome that refining or to choose our own way.  I encourage you to choose the refining journey.


You have been given the ability to exercise self-discipline.

 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]."   2 Timothy 1:7 AMP

Many times, following a healthy regime or plan to get healthy requires self-discipline.  Many people say they do not have the self-discipline to lose weight or eat healthy or workout.  In all reality, if God’s Spirit lives in you then you have been given personal discipline and self-control.  

The key is to learn how to tap into this gift we have been given and exercise it. 


Getting in shape is incredible,
but not the end of the journey
in God’s eyes.  He desires us
to know His love and live
life knowing we
are loved.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours! Now every athlete who [goes into training and] competes in the games is disciplined and exercises self-control in all things. They do it to win a crown that withers, but we [do it to receive] an imperishable [crown that cannot wither]. Therefore I do not run without a definite goal; I do not flail around like one beating the air [just shadow boxing]. But [like a boxer] I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached [the gospel] to others, I myself will not somehow be disqualified [as unfit for service]."  1 Corinthians 9:24-27 AMP

Find a verse or passage that can encourage you and help drive you to your physical goal.  This passage can be an inspiration to help get you out of bed for that 6 am workout or to help you decline a sweet treat when your eating has above your normal limits for the day.

"I do not run without a definite goal"









My Story

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I grew up in a quiet town in South Dakota feeling like I was missing something.  I often heard my parents fighting and thought there was something wrong with me.  At night, after a loud session of fighting from the other room, I would picture the roof of my room lifting away and the magnificent stars shining brightly overhead.  Mesmerized by the glorious view I could feel another Presence, something warm, safe, kind, and loving lurking behind the stars.  I never could explain it but always felt the hand of God comforting me in those lonely aching nights and felt that God knew everything that was happening.

I made friends easily but when I entered middle school, my friends and I noticed our bodies were not like the pictures in our teenage magazines.  We began to compare ourselves to the magazine models and to others.  The feeling of “I don’t fit in” kept creeping into my thoughts.

As I went through my teen years the need for love seemed to scream for my attention.  I started to drift through life and found adventure in partying late at night and found the love I ached for in the arms of others.  For some reason, it never quite quenched the hurting and ache I felt.  

"I stand in AWE of what God has done in my life. "

High School ended and college began in another state with the same pattern of looking for love in all the wrong places and engaging in mind altering activities. I felt hallow, broken, and disliked my body.  Then my eyes were opened to something greater than myself and others.  Something that I had craved for so long, that same Presence when I would stare at the stars from my bed at night.  It was real and it was pursuing me.  It was speaking to my hurt and my need for deep lasting love.  It was calling to my deep brokenness I held inside.  I knew this was God calling me to come to Him.  I was hesitant and ashamed.  So much had happened since those childhood star gazing moments.  I felt so ugly and dirty inside; how could He possibly want me?  After much thought, I surrendered my brokenness, my way of doing life, my body issues, and my heart at the foot of an old wooden beat up cross overlooking the Cathedral Spires.  What came next was a journey of healing and restoration.

"His love changed me and my perspective of myself."

First thing, I noticed is God began to show me His amazing love and the depth of that love which was beyond my imagination.  As I gave into His Pursuit of my heart, I began to feel differently about my body.  I felt loved and cherished by Him and it reflected in how I viewed myself, I began to feel beautiful and pretty.  My body was the same size as before, at that time I was 165 pounds and 5’4.  His love changed me and my perspective of myself.

The years continued and I began a journey of health and fitness, not because I was a little overweight but because I loved my body and it felt good to be in shape and eat healthy.  I believe I was given this one body so why not take care of it with exercise and healthy eating.  Since those early years, I have had 3 boys, competed in 2 body building competitions, and began a career in personal training.  I stand in AWE of what God has done in my life.  He has turned my hurtful thoughts into a glorious celebration of worship. My next great adventure is finding thoughtful and creative ways to help you on your fitness journey.

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